Sunday, 16 November 2008

Brick Lane Art

Brick Lane - one of London's most famous art and fashion districts continues to impress passers by with its ever changing street art. This week I think I should highlight three of the main pieces that caught my eye.

The first is a massively simple stencil graffiti of a toaster. Simple yet stylees.

The second is a fantastically detailed spray can stencil piece. Much more detailed and very intricate.

The third was more of a thinking piece. At first I couldn't tell if it was a tramp's mobility unit or the latest Skoda concept car. There wasn't a tramp in sight (very uncharacteristic for Brick Lane) and it didn't have a car badge so I guessed it must be art.
Consulting my art student friend I was informed that it was a statement highlighting the plight of modern London in the current economic turmoil that has affected us all. It shows how big business (the office chair) is now in the hands of the consumer (the shopping trolley). The bankers and the powers that be can't revive the country without the "everyman" driving them forward and continuing to buy buy buy. It is particularly symbolic that the office chair is dismantled. Very deep.

Much to my disappointment, yesterday I couldn't find it to show my other artistic friend. Either its been stolen or sold for millions.

I heart art. What a master peace.


  1. this is awesome, i know many people who would walk past it and see a trolley and a office chair but i see the downfall of capitalism ..hehe

  2. This is hilarious!!! love the toaster too!

    "Consulting my art student friend I was informed that it was a statement highlighting the plight of modern London in the current economic turmoil that has affected us all. It shows how big business (the office chair) is now in the hands of the consumer (the shopping trolley). The bankers and the powers that be can't revive the country without the "everyman" driving them forward and continuing to buy buy buy. It is particularly symbolic that the office chair is dismantled. Very deep."

  3. man... this is just dope. i love your interpretations of brick lane. it's so many ways to see it. i love that place!


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